Stakeholder Engagement
Improving Corporate Value through Dialogue and Co-Creation ENGAGEMENTEngagement with Customers and Partners
As part of its sales activities, Tokyo Century seeks to understand the issues and goals of customers and partners so that it can supply them with the ideal financial services and value. By building relationships through joint businesses with customers and partners and continuously enhancing our financial services through the merging of our respective strengths and expertise, we aim to heighten the value we supply to our customers, partners, and society.
Major Engagement Methods and Measures
- Communication through sales activities
- Joint businesses and personnel exchanges with partner companies
- Sharing of knowledge related to financial service planning and other initiatives
Engagement with Employees
Tokyo Century aspires to develop a workplace environment in which every employee is respected and able to fully exercise their talents, and we are actively working to heighten employee engagement. Moreover, the input gained from employee awareness surveys is used in discussions by the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors for analyzing issues and planning future initiatives. Responding to such input is positioned as an important management priority. By entrenching a cycle of appropriately incorporating employee input into management, we will endeavor to bolster employee engagement by building trust with employees and improving our workplace environment.
Major Engagement Methods and Measures
- Employee awareness surveys
- 360-degree evaluations
- Career Design Office (career consultation venue)
- TC-Mee+ meetings for exchanges among employees (discussion forums with the president)
Cycle of Improving Employee Engagement through Dialogue

- *1Career Challenge Program: Internal recruitment initiative in which divisions and branch offices seeking to recruit human resources disclose the requirements of the relevant available positions so that they can be filled from among internal applicants
- *2TC Biz Challenge Project: New business proposal initiative supporting employees’ efforts to tackle new challenges without fear of failure
Engagement with Shareholders and Other Investors
Tokyo Century advances its investor relations (IR) activities with a focus on generating a cycle of proactive dialogue with shareholders and other investors and communicating the input and requests solicited thereby to management and employees. The input gained during the course of IR activities is used to improve information disclosure and respond to management issues in order to build trust with shareholders and other investors and ensure that capital markets accurately appraise the Company, which in turn is anticipated to contribute to higher corporate value over the medium to long term.

Improving Corporate Value through Dialogue and Co-Creation
Tokyo Century continuously engages with investors to guide efforts to improve corporate value. In the Integrated Report 2023, we present a dialogue between Mr. Shohei Ura, Head of Japan Engagement Strategy, Amundi Japan Ltd., and Mr. Koichi Baba, President & CEO of Tokyo Century. Starting from the Medium-Term Management Plan 2027, they exchanged views on the improvements necessary to bolster market evaluation over medium to long term, as well as on the strengths and weaknesses of the business model.
Major IR Activities
Scrollable horizontally
Activities | Frequency in Fiscal 2022 | Details |
Earnings calls | 4 times | Quarterly earnings calls (Three-month and nine-month calls led by officer responsible for investor relations; six-month and full-year briefings led by the president) |
Meetings with the president | Approx. 25 | Meetings between the president and analysts and institutional investors in Japan and overseas (including small meetings) |
Meetings with IR representatives | Approx. 230 times | (Of which, approx. 50 meetings with overseas institutional investors) Meetings with analysts and institutional investors in Japan and overseas |
Business strategy briefings | 1 time | Business strategy briefing on joint businesses with the NTT Group |
Overseas roadshows | 1 time | Face-to-face meeting between the president and overseas institutional investors |
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Activities | Frequency in Fiscal 2022 | Details |
Company briefings for private investors | 2 times | Briefings on the Company, business strategies, shareholder return policies, etc. |

Integrated Report 2022 Named High-Quality Report by Domestic Stock Management Institutions of GPIF
Every year, the institutions contracted to manage the domestic stock holdings of the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) name a number of excellent integrated reports and high-quality integrated reports from Japanese companies. In 2023, Tokyo Century’s Integrated Report 2022 was one of the 95 named high-quality integrated reports. Tokyo Century is committed to enhancing the quality of disclosure through its integrated reports and other IR tools in order to facilitate dialogue with investors and other stakeholders and thereby improve corporate value.