Chapter1Message from the President
Chapter2Sustainability Management at Tokyo Century
Chapter3Medium-Term Management Plan 2027 and Medium- to Long-Term Vision
Chapter4Stakeholder Engagement
Chapter5Business Model and Growth Strategies by Operating Segment
Chapter6Enhancement of Risk Management
Chapter7ESG Strategies
Chapter8Data Section

Message from the President
Message from the President
Evolution into Unique Financial Services Company through Tokyo Century Transformation (TCX)
By promoting four types of transformation, Tokyo Century will evolve its asset value innovation and integration capabilities as it seeks to improve corporate value through sustainable growth.
Message from the President
Evolution into Unique Financial Services Company through Tokyo Century Transformation (TCX)
By promoting four types of transformation, Tokyo Century will evolve its asset value innovation and integration capabilities as it seeks to improve corporate value through sustainable growth.
Message from the President
Sustainability Management at Tokyo Century
Sustainability management

Message from the President of the Corporate Planning Unit
By promoting sustainability management based on an integrated approach toward financial and non-financial strategies, I aspire to generate a virtuous cycle of ongoing growth.

Provision of Value to Stakeholders
The Tokyo Century Group seeks to heighten the value it provides to stakeholders over the long term through its value creation process.
Medium-Term Management Plan 2027 and Medium- to Long-Term Vision
Directive for Long-Term Growth
Cultivation of sense of anticipation using highly profitable portfolio capable of consistent earnings growth
Tokyo Century seeks to achieve ongoing improvements in corporate value by heightening asset and capital efficiency, reducing the volatility and increasing the predictability of performance to lower cost of capital, and achieving stable and high earnings growth.
Stakeholder Engagement
Transformation Dialogue between an Institutional Investor and President
Tokyo Century continuously engages with investors to guide efforts to improve corporate value.
Stakeholder Engagement
Improving Corporate Value through Dialogue and Co-Creation
Business Model and Growth Strategies by Operating Segment
Strategies by operating segment

Business Model
Tokyo Century’s core competences are its unique financial services, its partnership strategy, and its highly specialized professionals. By merging these competences, we drive the improvement of corporate value through two value creation cycles based on our business characteristics.
At a Glance
Portfolio Transformation and Business Overview
Enhancement of Risk Management
Risk management
Major Risks and Management Frameworks
We have been promoting comprehensive risk management under our risk management policy with the aim of taking appropriate action, both qualitatively and quantitatively and as needed, by assessing the risks associated with the Company as a whole.
Risk Management
The main objective of risk management at the Tokyo Century Group is to support growth and value creation by allowing for bold risk taking, and we are therefore managing risks, including measuring risks on a consolidated basis while controlling the capital use rate.
Response to Expansion of Business Domain
We operate an investment management framework for the effective control of investment risk and optimization of the business portfolio while regularly monitoring the ROIC spread by the operating segment.
ESG Strategies
ESG Strategy

Roundtable Discussion on Diversity
Evolution Driven by a Diverse and Flat Organizational Culture
Tokyo Century aspires to craft a diverse and flat organizational culture. We arranged a roundtable discussion on the subject of Tokyo Century’s evolution in which frank opinions were shared regarding the thoughts and careers of the participants, specifically two individuals who had previously taken childcare leave and the deputy general manager of the Diversity Promotion Office.
Evolution of Tokyo Century’s Corporate Governance System
Recognizing that effective corporate governance is a key for maximizing corporate value, Tokyo Century endeavors to create a sound and highly transparent management structure that swiftly responds to changes in the business environment and makes accurate decisions.

Data Section
Corporate data
The Tokyo Century Group will work
alongside customers in pursuit of their growth as a
highly specialized and unique financial services
company and will contribute to the
creation of an environmentally sound,
sustainable economy and society.
Highly Specialized and Unique Financial Services
Not limiting itself to financial functions, Tokyo Century is committed to its ongoing quest to provide financial services that cater to customer needs, to create highvalue-added services tied to asset life cycles, and to develop businesses itself.

Partnerships with Customers Pursuing Business Growth
Tokyo Century employees continue their bold efforts to deliver solutions that surpass customer expectations and to thereby contribute to the creation of value and consequently to the development and growth of customers’ businesses. Our partnership strategy is founded on the strength of our trust-based relationships with customers, and we intend to preserve this tradition within the Company so that we can keep growing together with customers.

Creation of an Environmentally Sound, Sustainable Economy and Society
As a company involved in a business related to various assets, recycling and decarbonization are incredibly important themes for Tokyo Century as it seeks to contribute to the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society. We are united in our ongoing commitment to realizing such a society in order to preserve a pristine environment for future generations.

Tokyo Century’s Target Portfolio

- *1Established in fiscal 2023
Ordinary Income (Loss) / ROA

- *2Includes figures for energy and environment businesses that are currently part of the Environmental Infrastructure segment

- *3 Includes valuation losses on operational investment securities (¥18.7 billion)

- Integrated Report 2022PDF:7,725KB
- Integrated Report 2021PDF:9,822KB
- Integrated Report 2020PDF:10,643KB
- Integrated Report 2019PDF:9,411KB
- Integrated Report 2018PDF:9,642KB
- Integrated Report 2017PDF:7,457KB
- Integrated Report 2016PDF:10,591KB
- Annual Report 2015PDF:6,286KB
- Annual Report 2014PDF:9,324KB
- Annual Report 2013PDF:5,559KB
- Annual Report 2012PDF:10,507KB
- Annual Report 2011PDF:6,993KB
- Annual Report 2010PDF:3,223KB
- Annual Report 2009PDF:933KB