Tokyo Century releases appropriate and unbiased information in a timely manner to stakeholders such as shareholders and investors and has established a system to ensure the transparency of company activities from a fair disclosure perspective.
In addition to striving to provide information appropriately, quickly, and proactively through our website, we also hold financial results briefings for institutional investors and analysts as well as company information sessions for individual investors.

Activities for Individual Investors

Tokyo Century Group strives to increase recognition and provides overviews of the Group and explanations of management strategy to individual investors. The Group also creates opportunities for individual investors to deepen their understanding of the Group.

FY 2023 Implementation
Held company information sessions for individual investors(Online)

External Evaluations

Tokyo Century has been selected for the FTSE4Good Index Series, and the S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index, global representative Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) indexes. These indexes target companies that demonstrate strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related performance and are seen as important sources for making decisions when SRI funds and others select companies to invest in. Tokyo Century has also been selected for the JPX-Nikkei Index 400, an index comprised of companies that are highly attractive to investors because they meet global investment standards, such as efficient use of capital and investor-focused management perspectives. In addition, we were selected in May 2024 for the “Noteworthy DX Companies 2024” category in Digital Transformation Stock Selection (DX Stocks) 2024, a program jointly organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

S&P/JPX カーボン・エフィシェント指数
DX注目企業2024 Digital Transformation

Activities for Shareholders

Tokyo Century Group strives to explain the Group’s business strategies in an easy to understand manner through the general meeting of shareholders.

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