As of September 30, 2024

Number of Shares of Common Stock and Shareholders

Number of Shares of Common Stock Authorized 1,600,000,000 shares
Number of Shares of Common Stock Issued 492,113,280 shares
Number of Shareholders 29,673

Major Shareholders

Shareholders Number of shares held (thousands) Percentage of shares outstanding (%)
ITOCHU Corporation 146,859 29.99
Chuo-Nittochi Co., Ltd. 68,643 14.02
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation 49,211 10.05
KSO Co., Ltd. 41,344 8.44
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust accounts) 22,411 4.58
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 18,752 3.83
Seiwa Building Co.,Ltd. 16,010 3.27
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust accounts) 14,668 3.00
Nippon Life Insurance Company 8,469 1.73
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. as trustee for Orient Corporation Retirement Benefit Trust Account re-entrusted by Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. 7,600 1.55

*Note: The shareholding ratio is calculated by excluding treasury stock (2,376,668 shares).

Breakdown of Shareholders

Financial institutions:17.1% Securities companies:1.2% Treasury stock:0.5% Other domestic institutions:67.4% Individuals and other:4.9% Foreign investors:9.0%

Investor Relations
