1. Policies and Basic Concept

The Tokyo Century Group, which is engaged in corporate activities centering on financial services business in many regions around the world, believes that resolving social and ethical issues through its business activities will maintain sustainability and lead to further growth.

We will fulfill our responsibilities to customers under the Group’s Management Policy, which stipulates that “We will provide the best products and services around the world to contribute to the success of our customers’ businesses while pursuing all possibilities by collaborating with customers and uniting the overall strengths of the Group.” We will also further improve our management system and conduct education and training programs based on the Corporate Code of Conduct, Our Action Guidelines, and Solicitation Policy to provide the best possible products and services that satisfy our customers.

Due to the nature of the leasing business, the Tokyo Century Group’s transactions are mainly with corporate customers. With regard to products and services directly provided to consumers, such as individual auto leasing and individual car rentals, we comply with the laws, regulations, and quality standards related to safety and strive to continuously improve safety and quality. In the unlikely event that a quality problem should arise with a product or service that the Group provides, we will act promptly to identify the cause and prevent a recurrence.

The Tokyo Century Group advocates sustainability management and will fulfill its responsibilities to customers in accordance with its Management Philosophy and Management Policy.

2. Providing Appropriate, High-Quality Products and Services

The Tokyo Century Group complies with all laws and regulations related to the products and services that it handles, and it provides appropriate, high-quality products and services for the success of its customers’ businesses.

With regard to the provision of financial products as defined by Japan’s Act on Provision of Financial Services and the Development of the Accessible Environment Thereto (provisional English law title), we have established a Solicitation Policy for Financial Products and will act in accordance with this policy.

As for the provision of products and services other than the financial products previously mentioned, we will act in accordance with our Corporate Code of Conduct, which commits us to accurately respond to customer needs with high-quality products and services.

To ensure the proper conduct of such activities as solicitation and contracting of financial products, customer management, and the reliable delivery of products and services and thereby earn customer trust and recognition, we conduct educational and training programs for officers and employees on responsible business activities and compliance through e-learning and other instructional formats.

As an example of a financial product sale, the Tokyo Century Group, as a Type II Financial Instruments Business Operator, offers customers the opportunity to invest in its Japanese-style operating lease projects.

3. Responsible Advertising and Marketing

With regard to businesses that directly provide products and services to consumers, such as individual auto leasing and individual car rentals, we are fully aware of the impact that advertising expressions may have on consumers. We give the highest priority to customer confidence and safety and engage in responsible advertising and marketing by fully considering our social responsibilities. Paying due respect to the consumer’s standpoint, we use fact-based expressions and never use statements that may mislead consumers about the characteristics or quality of our products and services. We also engage in dialogues with stakeholders to understand the expectations and demands of society and reflect them in our business activities.

4. Management System for the Solicitation and Sale of Financial Products

(1) Internal Management System

The Internal Management Unit monitors, verifies, and provides guidance on the overall day-to-day operations of the financial instruments business to ensure appropriate operations in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other relevant laws and regulations, and internal rules. This unit also formulates and implements improvement measures as necessary.

The manager responsible for internal management performs it to ensure appropriate operations, such as regular audits to verify that operating activities in the financial instruments business are properly conducted in accordance with laws and regulations and internal rules. Any significant issues identified are appropriately reported to management and the senior manager with overall responsibility for internal management, who has overall responsibility and the authority of the Internal Management Unit.

(2) Sales Management System

Activities such as solicitation and contracting of financial products and customer management are placed under the guidance and supervision of the sales manager to ensure proper implementation. This manager directs and supervises sales personnel, oversees sales operations in the financial instruments business, and reports to the Management Meeting on matters related to the financial instruments business as necessary.

When providing advertisements and premiums for the financial instruments business, sales personnel will comply with the relevant rules and other regulations, and will be reviewed and approved in advance by the advertising reviewer appointed by the senior manager with overall responsibility for internal management.

(3) Response to Complaints

When a customer submits a complaint regarding a transaction, officers and employees respond in accordance with the complaint handling procedures. When calling upon a dispute settlement body, they will comply with the rules they stipulate and strive to resolve the dispute in accordance with the complaint handling and mediation procedures.

When a complainant requests to be referred to a third-party organization, officers and employees will introduce a dispute settlement body to the complainant and provide information on standard procedures to ensure the final resolution of the complaint.

5. Targets and KPIs

The Tokyo Century Group is dedicated to the success of its customers’ businesses by accurately responding to their needs with high-quality products and services and thereby forging a solid relationship of trust. Furthermore, the Group conducts employee training programs to continuously provide appropriate, high-quality products and services.

Training Program Attendance*

(Unit: Persons)

Scrollable horizontally

KPI FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Compliance training and others 5,942 5,593 6,940
Training on business procedures 633 594 696

*Aggregate number of e-learning attendants (excluding training conducted by Group companies) and others.

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