Accelerating Efforts to Increase Value in the Leasing Business and Expand Partnerships
Utilizing Digital Transformation

We provide financial services that match a wide variety of assets through our broad customer base.

Equipment Leasing

Establishing a solid business foundation for Tokyo Century

Segment Assets
¥ 1,273.5 billion
Distribution of Segment Assets
22.3 %
Net Income
¥ 24.2 billion

*As of March 31, 2024


The Equipment Leasing segment boasts a broad customer base and responds to the diversifying and changing needs of customers with its evolving “Finance × Service × Business” model.

Another strength is our culture of boldly taking on challenges in new business areas.


  • Expansion of businesses in new fields by enhancing relationships with prime partners
  • Rising demand for environmental value driving growth in decarbonization-related businesses
  • Growth of next-generation financial services that merge subscription and other digital transformation services with leasing and finance businesses


  • Business risks associated with expansion into new business fields extending beyond boundaries of finance
  • Governance risks arising in conjunction with growth of Group companies
  • Geopolitical risks and other operating environment changes
  • Managing Executive Officer,
  • President, Equipment Leasing Business Development Unit

Koichiro Sato

Expanding Co-Creative Businesses with Partners by Increasing Value in the Leasing Business and Promoting Group Integrated Management

Lease transaction volume in Japan on a calendar year basis increased by 7.5%* year on year, and domestic capital investment as a whole has been gradually recovering to pre-pandemic levels. Nevertheless, the business outlook remains uncertain after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the associated surge in international commodity prices, as well as the rapid pace of inflation worldwide, particularly in Europe and the United States, and rising interest rates in Japan.

Accelerating Efforts in Strategic Growth Areas

Our Medium-Term Management Plan 2027 identified growth markets and areas with high potential for collaboration with prime partners as strategic growth areas, and we have been concentrating our marketing resources and accumulating knowledge to open up new areas of strength for the Equipment Leasing segment.

In fiscal 2023, we focused on creating new businesses in strategic growth areas, including our decision to participate in the grid storage battery and onshore wind power generation businesses in collaboration with ITOCHU Corporation and other partners.

Major Offerings

Leasing, Installment Sales, and Other Financial Services

We offer financial services for information and communication equipment, office equipment, factory equipment, construction machinery, and other commercial equipment.

Co-Creative Businesses

Environment and energy businesses with prime partners and building a cooperative framework in the digital technology field.

IT Solutions and Subscription Services

For manufacturers, distributors, and others considering a shift from a sell-off model to a subscription model, we offer TCplats*as a proprietary subscription integration platform, and we also provide subscriptions for various IoT solutions.

  • *OEM supply of Bplats®, a platform developed and operated by our equity method affiliate, Bplats, Inc.

Key Figures

Number of Customers

More than 20,000 companies

Pre-Owned Personal Computers Sold

Approx. 350,000 units

Launch of Secondhand Smartphone and Tablet Rental Service for Corporate Users with ITOCHU

In cooperation with the wholly owned ITOCHU Corporation subsidiary Belong Inc., Tokyo Century operates Belong One, a service for corporate users requiring rental of secondhand smartphones and tablets.

Belong One was launched in response to growing demand from corporations for these devices. The service increases the reuse of smartphones and tablets, as they can be maintained and reused after the end of their rental service life. As a result, this initiative contributes to the realization of circular economies.


POWER CONTINUE, a Flat-Rate Power Conditioner Rental Service

Boosting the Value of the Leasing Business

In collaboration with OMRON Social Solutions, Tokyo Century provides a service for the flat-rate rental of power conditioners for low-voltage solar power plants.


Contribution to decarbonized society
Creation of new businesses driven by technical innovation
Utilize diverse partnerships to create new value

  • 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 13 Climate action
  • 17 Partnerships for the goals

Boosting the Value of the Leasing Business

We are working with OMRON Social Solutions Co., Ltd. (OSS) to offer the POWER CONTINUE flat-rate power conditioner* rental service for low-voltage solar power plants.

OSS handles equipment replacement and maintenance, while Tokyo Century provides related financial services and the TCplats subscription integration platform. The service improves power generator output at zero initial cost and eliminates the burden of unexpected costs such as repair and replacement of power conditioners.

*A machine that converts electricity generated by solar power from direct to alternating current for use in homes, buildings, factories, and other facilities.

Private Power Generation Support Service (Corporate Power Purchase Agreements)

Boosting the Value of the Leasing Business

Tokyo Century offers private power generation support for corporate customers with KYOCERA Communication Systems.


Contribution to decarbonized society
Utilize diverse partnerships to create new value

  • 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • 13 Climate action
  • 17 Partnerships for the goals

Boosting the Value of the Leasing Business

In cooperation with KYOCERA Communication Systems Co., Ltd. (KCCS), Tokyo Century provides private power generation support service for corporate customers.

This is a third-party service that assists corporations with introducing solar power generation systems. Tokyo Century and KCCS bear the initial investment required to install the systems as well as the labor and costs of maintenance and management. Tokyo Century handles installment of the Kyocera solar power generation system, and KCCS takes care of operation and maintenance.

The service reduces the risk of increased electricity prices during the contract period. What’s more, combined with storage batteries, the system ensures that only the minimum amount of electricity needed is used for business operations in the event of a power outage or disaster, and in that way creates a working environment where employees can work with peace of mind.

Capital and Business Alliances with Fukuoka Financial Group, Making FFG Lease an Equity-Method Affiliate

Co-Creative Businesses

Tokyo Century concluded a capital and business alliance with Fukuoka Financial Group for the leasing business and made FFG subsidiary The Eighteenth Lease (currently FFG Lease) an equity-method affiliate.


Utilize diverse partnerships to create new value

  • 17 Partnerships for the goals

Co-Creative Businesses

In 2022, we formed a capital and business alliances with Fukuoka Financial Group (FFG) for the leasing business and made The Eighteenth Lease Co., Ltd., a member of FFG, an equity-method affiliate (in which we hold a 25% stake). The goal was to further expand the leasing business of The Eighteenth Lease, which changed its name to FFG Lease Co., Ltd. in April 2022, marking its new role as a strategic subsidiary of FFG.

Tokyo Century collaborates with FFG under an alliance to provide a variety of financing options, including leasing, to the customers of The Bank of Fukuoka, The Kumamoto Bank, and The Juhachi-Shinwa Bank, all of which operate under FFG. We will generate synergies combining FFG’s robust customer base with our expertise in a variety of financial services, including leasing, to meet the diverse needs of our customers and contribute to the sustainable development of local communities.
