Operating Segments

Solutions to your Pursuits

Tokyo Century Group will work alongside customers in pursuit of their growth as a highly specialized and unique financial services company
and will contribute to the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society.

Tokyo Century provides financial services that meet the changing times and the needs of its customers and partners,
and it has aggressively expanded through the growth of existing businesses and M&A.

As the company has strengthened the foundation of its core domestic leasing business,
it has also expanded into new areas such as the car rental, environment/energy,
real estate, and aircraft businesses and established a global network centered on Asia.

Throughout the period of the Second Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2013-FY2015),
we bolstered our base in the Equipment Leasing, Automobility, Specialty Financing, and International Business segments.

In April 2023, Tokyo Century established the new Environmental Infrastructure segment by spinning off the environment
and energy-related business from the Specialty Financing segment, and we intend to achieve further growth in this area.

Our Business [4:25]

Equipment Leasing

Equipment Leasing

The Equipment Leasing segment has a broad customer base and provides financial services that match a wide variety of assets.

We promote efforts to increase value in the leasing business and accelerate co-creation
with prime partners in the fields of the environment, energy, and digital transformation.



The Automobility segment boasts an impressive lineup of services ranging from corporate and individual auto leasing to car rental,
led by Nippon Car Solutions, Co., Ltd., Nippon Rent-A-Car Service, Inc., and Orico Auto Leasing Co., Ltd.

Amidst the major transformation of the mobility business, we are expanding our growth base through collaboration with diverse business partners.

Specialty Financing

Specialty Financing

The Specialty Financing segment leads Tokyo Century’s growth by providing financial services that leverage our highly specialized skills
in shipping, aviation, real estate, principal investments, and structured finance.

International Business


The International Business segment provides specialized services to meet the specific needs of each country by promoting alliances
with domestic and foreign prime corporations, financial institutions, and other organizations.

We leverage our extensive global network, operating in more than 30 countries
and regions around the world, to focus on IT and mobility-related businesses.

Environmental Infrastructure


The services of the Environmental Infrastructure segment contribute to the development of a decarbonized society, such as efficient business management and profitability improvement services for power generation projects, as well as renewable energy projects such as solar and biomass power generation, and storage batteries.
