Objective and Independent Audit System
The Audit Unit has been established as an independent organization under the direct control of the president and is tasked with performing internal audits of Tokyo Century and Group companies. Internal audits are aimed at assuring the appropriateness of the Company’s systems, organizations, and rules; whether all business activities comply with relevant laws and regulations, the Tokyo Century Group Corporate Code of Conduct, and relevant internal rules; and whether operating processes and the risk management system work appropriately and rationally. Based on these audits, improvements are proposed and advice is provided as necessary. As the Group expands its business area, risk profiles are becoming more diversified and complex. Accordingly, Tokyo Century aims to conduct an effective internal audit using a risk-based approach after auditing the status of risk control in all divisions every year. In principle, we conduct audits at our business offices once every three years. Through such auditing activities, we strive to improve the corporate value of the Company and Group companies.
Annual internal audit plans are reported to the Board of Directors after approval by the president (Management Meeting), and the results of the audits are reported to the president (Management Meeting) and to the Board of Directors.
Sustainability Initiatives
Audits of information security management systems and environmental management systems are conducted annually.
Each audit is conducted to verify compliance with the Tokyo Century Group Corporate Code of Conduct and relevant internal rules, as well as information security, compliance, sustainability, and other frameworks.
In addition, we conduct audits on sustainability-related matters in a timely manner.