Basic Policy on Health and Productivity Management

Tokyo Century will work alongside customers in pursuit of their growth as a highly specialized and unique financial services company and will contribute to the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society. Under this management philosophy, we intend to achieve further growth and increase our corporate value by promoting partnership strategies to continue creating new businesses.
To this end, it is important to develop an environment in which all of our human resources, who represent our greatest assets, can work vigorously in good health, both physically and mentally, and fully demonstrate their individuality and all their abilities. We therefore strive to maintain and improve the well-being of our officers and employees and their families with the recognition that health management is a corporate management issue.

1. Fostering health awareness

We will provide information on mental and physical well-being and support the self-sustaining efforts of each officer and employee to foster awareness of prioritizing health.

2. Identifying health issues

We will strive to understand issues identified from the results of physical checkups and stress checks.

3. Health management and measures

We will take action to improve and rectify each health issue and properly manage health-related information.

4. Supporting the balance between work and treatment of disease

We will promote initiatives for preventing and detecting diseases at an early stage while supporting the balance between work and treatment of disease.

Health and Productivity Management Initiatives

1. Fostering health awareness

  1. (1)
    Collaborate with health insurance associations to help form sound habits by providing applications that encourage healthy activities.
  2. (2)
    Work with industrial physicians and occupational health nurses to continue to provide information through e-learning and other means with the aim of raising health awareness.
  3. (3)
    Introduce the details of the health and productivity management initiatives to affiliated companies and promote mutual information sharing.
  4. (4)
    Disseminate information on our initiatives both internally and externally through our corporate website.

2. Identifying health issues

  1. (1)
    Conduct regular physical checkups, aiming for 100% participation.
  2. (2)
    Implement stress checks, aiming for 100% participation.
  3. (3)
    Disclose the results of regular physical checkups and stress checks both internally and externally.

3. Health management and measures

  1. (1)
    Provide specific health guidance to officers and employees diagnosed with metabolic syndrome as a result of regular physical checkups. Aim to have 80% or more of them receive the guidance so that they can improve their dietary and other lifestyle habits.
  2. (2)
    Provide opportunities to see industrial physicians for employees who have been diagnosed with a high level of stress as a result of stress checks, and also recommend the use of external consultation services.
  3. (3)
    Publicize health consultation services provided by the Personnel Division, industrial physicians, occupational health nurses, health insurance associations, other health organizations so that employees can relieve their mental and physical health concerns or clear up related questions.
  4. (4)
    Properly manage the working hours of all employees to prevent long working hours.
  5. (5)
    Recommend that employees telework, stagger their work hours, or take hourly leave to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
  6. (6)
    Address women’s health issues by providing seminars and subsidizing the cost of gynecological cancer screening tests.
  7. (7)
    Implement measures to improve dietary habits and support smoking cessation.
  8. (8)
    Subsidize the cost of medical examinations for officers and employees identified as needing a re-examination or more thorough examination as a result of regular physical checkups.

4. Supporting the balance between work and treatment of disease

  1. (1)
    Recommend that employees telework, stagger their work hours, or take hourly leave so that they can continue to work while receiving treatment for disease.
  2. (2)
    Provide support for employees on mental health leave through a return-to-work support system so that they can return to work smoothly.
  3. (3)
    Provide financial support through an orphans’ pension program for education of the children of employees in the event of their death or severe disability.
  4. (4)
    Recommend and subsidize voluntary medical screening such as complete medical checkups and cancer exams to detect and treat diseases at an early stage.
  5. (5)
    Provide the special reserve leave system to support the employees undergoing infertility treatment so that they can continue to work insofar as possible.

Health and Productivity Management Promotion System

And check out the interview of Dr. Hidekazu Mori, Tokyo Century’s occupational health physician, in the Tokyo Century News article entitled “Occupational Health Physician Tips on Health and Productivity Management— What a Company Can Do for Officers and Employees.”

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