Aiming to be an organization filled with vitality and dynamism, Tokyo Century Group maintains an environment which enables each and every employee to demonstrate their abilities to the maximum.

Employee Health and Safety

In order to improve the rate of employees receiving regular physical examinations, Tokyo Century continuously conducts such initiatives as having superiors notify subordinates who have not yet received an exam and reporting the state of examination rates at officer meetings. As a result of these efforts, the rate for regular physical exams for employees, which was 90% in FY 2013, reached 100% in FY2014 and has since been maintained (excluding employees on childcare leave). In addition, Tokyo Century provides required immunizations for overseas employees and their families in the countries where they reside as well as physical examinations once or twice per year in their country of residence or Japan depending on sanitary conditions and medical care levels in their country of residence.

Reduction of Long Working Hours and Work-Life Balance

Tokyo Century promotes work streamlining and strives to improve work-life balance through such means as ensuring sufficient time for self-development, family, and friends by reducing overtime hours. During summer (July - August), Tokyo Century promotes leaving the office on time, as well as following Cool Biz protocols. In addition, based on the Labour Standards Act, Tokyo Century has concluded an Agreement on Overtime Work and Working on Holidays (so called “36 Agreement”) with the labour union. In relation to other working conditions and others, Tokyo Century complies with the Labour Standards Act.

Tokyo Century Group pays living wage which exceeds the legal minimum wage complying with the law in each country and does not practice unreasonable wage reduction.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

The stock ownership plan is an employee benefit program that helps build future assets by acquiring the treasury stock of Tokyo Century Corporation. As of March 31, 2024, approximately 50% of employees were members of the plan.

Employment of Disabled Persons

Tokyo Century seeks talented individuals from an extensive array of backgrounds and actively employs disabled persons in order to provide a space where highly motivated people can flourish. Tokyo Century also meets the standards for number of disabled people employed as established in the Act on the Promotion of Employment for Disabled Persons (disabled person employment rate as of June 1, 2024: 3.26%[Non-consolidated]).

As an effort to further promote the employment of people with disabilities, in April 2019 Tokyo Century hired staff members (persons with intellectual/mental disabilities) and opened the TC Work Happiness Farm in Funabashi-city in Chiba. We then expanded the farm in February 2021 and June 2023 to promote the employment of people with disabilities.

TC Work Happiness Farm provides a secure and fulfilling working environment for disabled persons in a long term basis. We grow vegetables in a farm house designed with the motto of safety and cleanliness, and donate the harvested vegetables to the Second Harvest Japan, as part of the company’s CSR activities.

Second Harvest Japan (2HJ) was established in March 2002 as Japan’s first food bank. A food bank is a charitable organization that distributes food to those who are in need to avoid hunger. 2HJ redistributes a variety of food donated from food manufacturers, retailers, farmers and individuals that are unexpired and safe for consumption before disposing, to welfare agencies, orphanages, women shelters, people without homes, and others in need. Furthermore, 2HJ performs various relief activities to respond to the needs in the regions hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, and others.

Employee Data

Scrollable horizontally

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of employees Total 927 917 919 953 1,037
Men 641 634 636 648 698
Women 286 283 283 305 339
New hires Total 44 33 43 88 85
Men 33 29 32 62 55
Women 11 4 11 26 30
(new graduates) Total 16 13 17 38 47
Men 8 9 8 22 22
Women 8 4 9 16 25
(mid-carrier recruits) Total 28 20 26 50 38
Men 25 20 24 40 33
Women 3 0 2 10 5
Average age of employees Total 43.0 43.3 43.9 43.7 44.1
Men 44.2 44.4 45.0 44.8 45.4
Women 40.2 40.8 41.4 41.4 41.4
Average years of service Total 16.9 17.1 17.2 16.8 17.2
Men 17.3 17.3 17.3 16.9 17.3
Women 15.9 16.6 17.1 16.7 16.9
Turnover ratio Total 6.1% 4.4% 5.3% 4.4% 5.0%
Voluntary (Personal reason) 4.2% 2.3% 3.6% 2.6% 2.5%
Ratio of mid-career recruits(*) Total 56.8% 55.2% 58.5% 53.7% 43.4%

*Figures disclosed in accordance with the amendment to the Act on Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Measures

Tokyo Century Family Day

At Tokyo Century, we hold a “Family Day” event to invite employees’ children to their parents’ workplace. The purpose of the day is to further improve employees’ motivation for work, promote corporate social responsibility, and work-life balance. On the day, the children cultivated their understanding of work through exchanging their business cards (*) specially made for the Family Day event with the president, their parents’ superiors, and colleagues.

*The children’s business cards were made from recycled paper using the SEIKO Epson PaperLab, an office papermaking system, which turns waste paper into new paper.

And check out the interviews with participating families and planning staff in the Tokyo Century News article entitled “Family Day 2023 Held First Time in Four Years —Employees Encouraged by Family Ties and Understanding of Their Work.”

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