Tokyo Century Group recognizes that initiatives to tackle environmental issues are a social obligation and give consideration to environmental conservation in all areas of its business activities in order to create an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society.

Environmental Manual

The leasing industry is one with a low environmental footprint; however, Tokyo Century Group believes it is necessary to make even further efforts in this area, including promoting renewable energy business and others in order to contribute to greenhouse gas reduction through its operating activities, while taking an initiative in reducing office electricity use. As such, the Group has created its own Environmental Manual as a rulebook which makes it easy for employees to understand what environmental activities can be implemented as part of their everyday work.

Main Contents of Environmental Manual

Environmental Conservation Initiatives through Office and Operating Activities

Resource and Energy Conservation

Packing-less Shipping Initiative

Recycling and Reuse

  • Recent Initiatives

The conservation of paper resource by recycling the office waste paper through operation of PaperLab

Tokyo Century has installed PaperLab A-8000, office papermaking system, developed by Seiko Epson Corporation. The PaperLab produces new paper using the waste paper collected from recycle boxes which are placed at the company’s office.

Under our management philosophy, Tokyo Century Group will contribute to the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society, and will focus on reducing environmental impact through cutting down waste paper, including shredded waste paper, and recycling used office paper.

PaperLab, office papermaking system

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