Commitment to Society

Signing of the UN Global Compact


The United Nations Global Compact is a global initiative in which companies and organizations take part in creating a global framework to act as good members of society and achieve sustainable growth by committing to responsible and creative leadership. This voluntary initiative encourages companies to comply with and implement the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Endorsement of the TCFD recommendations


The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20 to review how climate-related information should be disclosed and how the financial sector accounts for it. In June 2017, TCFD published recommendations on corporate disclosure of climate change initiatives.

Joined the TCFD Consortium

TCFD Consortium

The TCFD Consortium was established to provide a forum for discussions on effective climate-related financial disclosures and initiatives to utilize disclosed information in making appropriate investment decisions by financial institutions, among corporations and financial institutions that support “TCFD recommendations.

Participation in GX League

GX League 2022

The Green Transformation (GX) League was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. It acts as a forum where a group of companies engaged in GX and a wide range of players aiming for GX, including the government, academic, and economic spheres, cooperate to discuss the transformation of the overall economic and social system and to create new markets accordingly for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Signing of the Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society (Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century)

Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century

The Ministry of the Environment developed the Principles for Action as the secretariat, which are guidelines for financial institutions seeking to fulfill their responsibilities and roles required to shape a sustainable society.

Support for Fun to Share

Fun to Share

Tokyo Century has supported the “Fun to Share” initiative, the Ministry of the Environment’s climate change campaign aimed at realizing a low-carbon society, since March 2014, Fun to Share is the watchword “Let’s create a low-carbon society while sharing the latest wisdom with everyone.”

Participation in the Corporate Action Program for Promoting Cancer Prevention


The Corporate Action Program for Promoting Cancer Prevention is building public momentum to tackle cancer by collaborating with companies to increase the rate of cancer screening in the workplace. Companies will take the lead in calling attention to the importance of cancer screening to increase the screening rate to at least 60%.

Participation in Working RIBBON, a Women’s Conference for Corporate Action to Promote Cancer Control

がん対策推進企業アクション Pink Ribbon × Think Pearl<sub>🄬</sub>

The Working RIBBON project is spearheaded by female executives and leaders dedicated to company efforts to the fight against cancer among women. The project aims to raise awareness of cancer countermeasures in companies, particularly in regard to prevention and early detection of two types of cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer, and to provide employment support.

Inclusion in ESG Indices / Assessment

MSCI ESG Ratings


MSCI ESG Research rates companies on a seven-tiered scale, from AAA to CCC scale, according to their exposure to ESG risks and others. Tokyo Century received an MSCI ESG RATING of AA in 2023.

*For more information, please refer to the MSCI official website .

MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index


An index based on the MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index and composed of companies that have demonstrated outstanding ESG performance. Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index since 2017.

*The inclusion of Tokyo Century Corporation in any MSCI index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement or promotion of Tokyo Century Corporation by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or affiliates.

MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index

An index created from a selection of Japanese companies with a high level of gender diversity in each GICS® (Global Industry Classification Standard) industry sector from among the top 700 Japanese companies by market capitalization. WIN is based on MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index, its parent index. Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index since 2022.

MSCI Japan 700 SRI Select Index

An index designed to represent the performance of companies that are consistent with specific values- and climate change-based criteria. In each sector, seeking to represent the performance of companies with high environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings through a “best-in-class” approach, the index aims to offer exposure to the top 25% of companies in the MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index, the parent index, with high ESG ratings. Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index.

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

An index designed to help improve corporates’ disclosure on carbon and data transparency, by adjusting constituents’ weights according to their relative carbon-to-revenue footprint. Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index since 2018.

FTSE4Good Index Series


Tokyo Century has been selected as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series, a major global index series for socially responsible investment.

FTSE Blossom Japan Index

FTSE Blossom Japan

An index designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices. Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index since 2017.

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

An index designed to be sector neutral, reflecting the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate outstanding ESG practices relative to their respective sectors. Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index since 2022.

Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index

An index designed, with the data and scoring methodology of Equileap, to emphasize companies in the Japanese market that have strong gender diversity policies embedded in their corporate culture and that ensure equal opportunities to employees, irrespective of their gender.Tokyo Century has been a constituent of the index.

Equileap is an organization that collects gender-related data of companies and conducts assessment.



CDP is a not-for-profit organization seeking disclosure of information on environmental issues such as climate change initiatives while conducting research and analysis. Tokyo Century received Climate Change B and Water Security C- scores in 2022.

External Certification / Evaluation

Certification as an Approved Operator Making Excellent Efforts in the ESG Lease Subsidization Program

Certification of Excellent Efforts ESG lease 2023 優良取組認定 Ⓡ

Among the designated lease operators in the Ministry of the Environment’s subsidy programs (ESG lease subsidization program for building a decarbonized society), the Ministry of the Environment recognizes those operators whose ESG lease initiatives are outstanding as approved operators making excellent efforts.

Digital Transformation Stock Selection (DX Stock)

DX銘柄2022 Digital Transformation

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) jointly conduct the Digital Transformation Stock Selection program to select outstanding companies that have established internal systems for promoting digital transformation (DX), which is an approach that contributes to improving corporate value, and that have achieved outstanding digital utilization. METI and TSE introduce the selected companies to investors as “DX Stocks.” Tokyo Century has been selected for nine consecutive years since the establishment of the program, which was renamed from the “Competitive IT Strategy Company Stock Selection” program.

DX Certification

Digital Transformation Certification

The DX certification system is based on the Act on Partial Revision of the Act on Facilitation of Information Processing. In line with the Guidelines for the Operation and Management of Information Processing Systems, Tokyo Century was certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2021 as a company that conducts excellent activities.

2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

健康経営優良法人2024 Health ond productivity

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry recognizes corporations, particularly large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other businesses, for their excellent health and productivity management. The program is assessed on the basis of initiatives tailored to local health issues, and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

PRIDE Index 2023

work with Pride Silver 2023

The PRIDE Index was established in 2016 by “work with Pride,” a voluntary organization, to create a better workplace for LGBTQ+ people. Tokyo Century received Silver ratings in the PRIDE Index 2022 and 2023.

Platinum Kurumin Certification

Platinum Kurumin Certification 子育てサポートしています

Tokyo Century was granted the Platinum Kurumin certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company pursuing a higher level of initiatives to support raising next-generation children.



Tokyo Century has obtained ISO 14001 certification, the international standard for environmental management systems.


bsi ISMS-AC ISMS ISR004 IS 91018 / ISO 27001

Tokyo Century has obtained ISO/IEC 27001 certification, the international standard for information security management systems.

Tokyo’s model company for disaster prevention measures

一斉帰宅抑制 モデル企業 東京都

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government certifies companies that actively work to restrain employees from returning home at the same time in the event of a disaster. This is due to the prevention of problems with lifesaving and rescue activities and secondary damage. Tokyo Century was selected as a model company that is working on this initiative in Tokyo in fiscal 2021, in recognition of its outstanding efforts that have a particularly large ripple effect to society.

All Japanese Listed Companies’ Website Ranking in 2023

Tokyo Century’s corporate website was selected as one of the “AAA Website” grade in All Japanese Listed Companies’ Website Ranking in 2023 by Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. (Nikko IR) The purpose of this annual survey is to investigate various levels of corporate information disclosure on the websites of all listed companies in Japan, and to promote higher levels of disclosure. Nikko IR sets up evaluation items from three perspectives: understandability, usability, and quantity of information.


January 2023 Received Excellence Prize for 2022 Consideration Action Plan Against Global Warming in Chiyoda Ward
January 2023 Mahoko Hara, Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer of Tokyo Century was selected for the 2023 Trailblazer Award by the Advancing Woman in Aviation Roundtable for the second time since 2019.
March 2022 Received Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon through the corporate version of Japan’s hometown tax donation program
August 2020 Received “Lesser of the Year” at the Airfinance Journal Global Awards 2019
February 2020 Received ”Asia-Pacific M & A Deal of the Year” at the Aviation 100 Global Leaders Awards 2020 by Airline Economics magazine
October 2019 loT SELECTION connected with SORACOM, an IoT subscription online marketplace, won Special Prize in the Service & Solution category at the MCPC award 2019
October 2019 Won Prize for Encouragement at the 4th Oita Godo Newspaper Advertising Award
April 2019 Mahoko Hara, then Managing Executive Officer of Tokyo Century, was selected for the Trailblazer Award by the Advancing Woman in Aviation Roundtable
January 2018 Received “Overall Equity Deal of the Year” at the Aviation 100 Global Leaders Awards 2018 by Airline Economics magazine
March 2017 Named to Good Practice under the Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society (Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century) by the the Ministry of the Environment
January 2016 Received Excellence Prize for 2015 Consideration Action Plan Against Global Warming in Chiyoda Ward

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