In order to create an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society, Tokyo Century Group maintains an accurate awareness of the costs and effects of its environmental conservation activities through environmental performance reports and environmental accounting and also promotes environmental management.

Environmental Performance Report

Based on its Basic Environmental Policy, Tokyo Century Group has adopted an ISO14001-compliant environmental management system for reducing its impact on the environment. While calculating and continually monitoring our annual CO2 emissions, we are promoting environmental management. (The following statistics are the data points managed through Tokyo Century Group’s environmental management system.)

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Priority Environmental Objective Environmental
Environmental Target FY2023
Achievement Medium-Term
March 2027
Address Climate Change Environmental contributions through office activities Reduce use of electricity (Contribute to reducing CO2 emissions) Electricity used
FY target or below 1,800,000 1,612,032 1,649,000
CO2 emitted
FY target or below 318 216 220
Reduce use of paper(*1) (Contribute to preserving forest resources) Office-use paper
(thousands of sheets)
FY target or below 11,000 8,703 none
Reduce fuel consumption (Contribute to improving fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions) Fuel consumed
FY target or below 60,000 48,789 none
Fuel efficiency
FY Target or above 14.0 17.3 none
CO2 emitted
FY target or below 139 112 none
Reduction of plastic products (Contribution to the promotion of resource circulation related to plastics) Reduction rate of clear plastic file purchase amount (%) (compared to FY2022) FY Target or above none none none (March 2026)
Environmental contributions through operating activities Reduce CO2 through promoting solar power generation business of consolidated subsidiaries (*2) (Promote renewable energy business) Annual electricity generated
FY Target or above 508,600 560,575
(KTS 435,317)
Annual reduction in CO2
(t) (Based on the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association Labeling Guidelines)
FY Target or above 198,100 218,344
(KTS 169,556)
Promote refurbishing business(Contribute to creating an environmentally-sound,sustainable economy and society) Annual pre-owned PCs sold
FY Target or above 240,300 350,813 301,000
Reduce industrial waste(Promote reuse and recycling) Industrial Waste Emissions
none none 494 none none

Tokyo Century Group complies with relevant laws and ordinances and strives to manage and dispose of waste properly. (The Group periodically checks Freon gas recovery processes and management and currently has no Freon gas in storage. [As of March 31, 2024])

The Group also incurs no costs due to fines or punishments concerning environmental matters.

Long-term Initiatives: Intensity Target

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Environmental Target Item (unit) Long-Term Target FY2022 Result FY2023 Result
Reduce use of electricity Electric consumption per head office floor area (kWh/㎡) Intensity Target:
Electricity consumption of 56.9 kWh/㎡ or less at head office in FY2030 (Reduce by 37.8% from 91.48 kWh/㎡ in the baseline FY2009)
Reduced by 26.0% compared to FY2009
Reduced by 26.8% compared to FY2009
Annual CO2 emissions from power consumption per head office floor area (t-CO2) none 0.017t-CO2/㎡
Reduced by 67.8% compared to FY2009
(Change electricity used to 100% renewable energy-derived electricity from FY2022)
(Change electricity used to 100% renewable energy-derived electricity from FY2022)

Environmental Accounting

Tokyo Century Corporation uses environmental accounting to accurately assess the impact of environmental protection costs on its business activities and make its environmental management more efficient and effective. (The following statistics apply to Tokyo Century Corporation only.)

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FY2022 FY2023 Changes
Category Type of Initiative ①Environmental Protection Costs (Millions of yen) ②Environmental Protection Effects (t-CO2) (CO2 emissions reductions) ①Environmental Protection Costs (Millions of yen) ②Environmental Protection Effects (t-CO2) (CO2 emissions reductions) ①Environmental Protection Costs (Millions of yen) ②Environmental Protection Effects (t-CO2) (CO2 emissions reductions)
(1)Costs within our business areas 107 64 125 22 +18 ▲ 42
Energy savings and pollution control costs Switching company-owned vehicle to low-emission cars (9) (25) (10) (6) ( none ) ( none )
Updating network and IT equipment, etc. (98) (39) (115) (16) ( none ) ( none )
(2) Upstream/downstream costs Waste treatment
Green purchasing, etc.
27 none 21 none ▲ 6 none
(3)Management costs 41 none 29 none ▲ 12 none
ISO14001 certification maintenance/management (41) ( none ) (29) ( none ) ( none ) ( none )
Management office operation and environmental and CSR related costs
Total 175 64 175 22 ±0 ▲ 42

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