Key Figures

Net Income Attributable to Owners of Parent


Provision of high-value-added financial services and pursuit of sustainable earnings growth

Financial Highlights

Overseas Network

More than 30countries and regions

Leasing and auto service businesses developed through a global network encompassing more than 30 countries and regions centered on North America and Asia

Overseas Subsidiaries and Affiliates

Number of Employees (Consolidated)


Highly specialized professionals for advancing our distinctive business model under our partnership strategy




Evolution into a financial services company by transforming business portfolios after the merger of two major leasing companies


*As of March 31, 2024

Operating Segments

Tokyo Century has proactively broadened the scope of its business domain, through the growth of existing businesses and M&A activities, by providing financial services in response to changes in the times and in the needs of customers and partner companies.

Our Business [4:25]

Expansion of customer base and development of co-creative businesses with prime partnersEquipment Leasing

Providing high-value-added financial services by leveraging one another’s strengths through coordination and collaboration with prime partner companies.
Focusing on creating optimal financial services in growth areas, such as IT, energy, and digital technology.

High-quality automobility services provided using industry-leading fleetAutomobility

Delivering quality services for each customer’s needs from an unrivaled lineup, from auto leasing for both corporate customers and individuals to car rental services.

Collaboration with partner companies to develop diverse and viable businessesSpecialty Financing

Providing financial services that draw on our highly specialized expertise in areas such as shipping, aviation, real estate, principal investment, and structured finance.

Strengths in our unrivaled network and alliance strategyInternational Business

Delivering specialized services on a global scale to address local needs by partnering with leading domestic and international companies and financial institutions to promote our alliance strategy.

Support for the business strategies to achieve decarbonization of customers and partner companiesEnvironmental Infrastructure

Providing services that contribute to realizing a decarbonized society, such as efficient business management and profitability-enhancing services in power generation businesses, in addition to renewable energy businesses, such as solar, biomass power generation, and storage batteries.

Contributing to the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society through our business activities

Tokyo Century’s commitment to sustainability is driven by its pursuit of further sustainable development and higher corporate value along with stakeholders, and it thereby contributes to "the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society," which is set forth in our Management Philosophy.

In promoting sustainability management, we envision, with due consideration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a society 10 to 20 years into the future and then take a backcasting approach toward creating financial services that will meet the needs of that time.

About Us
