We Contribute to the Resolution of Social Issues through Our Business Activities and Promote Sustainability Management to Achieve Sustainable Growth for Society and Tokyo Century Group and to Enhance Our Corporate Value

The Tokyo Century Group’s commitment to sustainability is driven by its pursuit of further sustainable development and higher corporate value along with our stakeholders as a financial services company, and it thereby contributes to the creation of an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society as stated in its management philosophy. In addition to our customers, business partners, shareholders, investors, and employees, we must not forget that the Earth itself is also a stakeholder. I believe we are now living in a time when companies are actively doing their part to address wide-ranging issues worldwide to protect the Earth.

We envision a society ten years into the future and aim to create financial services that will meet the needs of that time. Taking a backcasting approach, we are working on five key issues as materiality* in response to the SDGs. Specifically, the Tokyo Century Group aims to lead the way in resolving social issues together with its customers and business partners by focusing on “Contribution to decarbonized society” mainly through the expansion of renewable energy, “Sustainable resource use” primarily by circular economy initiatives such as the reuse and recycling businesses, “Contribution to social infrastructure development” through the mobility and the real estate business, and “Creation of new businesses driven by technical innovation” such as DX and subscriptions.

*The five key issues as materiality are as follows.
(1) Contribution to decarbonized society
(2) Creation of new businesses driven by technical innovation
(3) Contribution to social infrastructure development
(4) Sustainable resource use
(5) Enhancement of work environment, leading to strengthening of human resources

As a foundation for supporting those activities, we have established the Sustainability Committee as an organization for planning, promoting and integrating sustainable corporate activities to respond to key issues in sustainability.

The Tokyo Century Group’s growth is driven by human resources. I believe that our personnel can provide significant assistance to our customers in operating and developing their businesses by exercising their professionality, foresight, and imagination and creativity, and that will contribute to realizing an environmentally sound, sustainable economy and society.

The sustainable growth of a company depends on generating profits and contributing to society in a way that society accepts. Therefore, strengthening the human resources that drive the company is important. In addition to the Diversity Promotion Office, we established the Career Design Office within the Personnel Division to enable each employee to exercise initiative in conceptualizing, designing, and realizing their respective careers. We also formulated the Diversity Basic Policy to implement related measures.

Based on the results of the employee awareness survey, we are focusing on improving employee engagement by introducing two initiatives. One is a new business proposal initiative (TC Biz Challenge Project) and the other is an internal recruitment initiative (Career Challenge Program). What is more, we have formulated the Tokyo Century Group Human Rights Policy and the Basic Policy on Health and Productivity Management to express our commitment to respect the human rights of all officers and employees and to promote Health Productivity Management in our business activities.

We intend to be a company that provides an environment in which employees can always acquire new skills, demonstrate their capabilities, and experience success in their work. We also emphasize work-life integration and have adopted an integrated view to enhance both work and private life by drawing out the synergies between flexible workstyles and lifestyles.

The Tokyo Century Group will continue to expand its business results while focusing on social contribution through its business activities and environmental conservation as a leading global company. Furthermore, we will continue to strengthen our compliance to eliminate anti-social forces and prevent bribery and anti-corruption to implement sound management from an environmental and social perspective so that we can fulfill our role in corporate social responsibility.

We will remain relentless in our efforts to maintain healthy and highly transparent management by strengthening corporate governance to earn trust and expectations from our stakeholders.

koichi baba

President & CEO, Representative Director

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