Accelerating Efforts to Increase Value in the Leasing Business and Expand Partnerships Utilizing Digital Transformation Managing Executive Officer, President, Equipment Leasing Business Development Unit Koichiro Sato

Expanding Co-Creative Businesses with Partners by Increasing Value in the Leasing Business and Promoting Group Integrated Management

Lease transaction volume in Japan on a calendar year basis increased by 7.5%* year on year, and domestic capital investment as a whole has been gradually recovering to pre-pandemic levels. Nevertheless, the business outlook remains uncertain after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the associated surge in international commodity prices, as well as the rapid pace of inflation worldwide, particularly in Europe and the United States, and rising interest rates in Japan.

Under these circumstances, we have accelerated our value boost strategy in our core leasing business to expand co-creative businesses with prime partners and further enhance our solution and service functions by mobilizing the resources of Group companies so that we can continue responding to diversifying customer needs.

With Group integrated management as the pillar of the strategy, we are focusing on providing highly competitive solutions that can firmly support customer business strategies by expanding co-creative businesses centered on joint ventures with prime partners such as Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), ITOCHU Corporation, and the NX Group.

Acknowledging a growing willingness to invest in sustainable business themes, such as toward the achievement of the SDGs and carbon neutrality and implementation of digital transformation strategies, we will focus on increasing renewable energy projects, pursuing next-generation energy businesses, and creating SaaS businesses in the ICT field, which is our specialty.

In addition, the growth of our business is driven by the contributions of our highly motivated and diverse human resources. We are therefore committed to creating a workplace environment where employees can experience job satisfaction and personal growth and to improving work engagement in order to develop human resources and improve our organizational capabilities to meet customer needs.

*From “Leasing Statistics” (December 2023), Japan Leasing Association

Accelerating Efforts in Strategic Growth Areas

Our Medium-Term Management Plan 2027 identified growth markets and areas with high potential for collaboration with prime partners as strategic growth areas, and we have been concentrating our marketing resources and accumulating knowledge to open up new areas of strength for the Equipment Leasing segment.

In fiscal 2023, we focused on creating new businesses in strategic growth areas, including our decision to participate in the grid storage battery and onshore wind power generation businesses in collaboration with ITOCHU Corporation and other partners. We will continue to work with partners to further expand the renewable energy business and stabilize the power grid to realize a decarbonized society.

We also revised the capital structure of TRY Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary of Tokyo Century Corporation that provides refurbishing services such as data erasure related to IT assets, turning it into a wholly owned company of the Tokyo Century Group, to provide high-quality, world-class IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) services. The company changed its name to EPC Japan, K.K., and made a fresh start in December 2023. ITAD services are used to rigorously and appropriately dispose of IT assets and include shredding as well as data erasure using software. These services are positioned in areas where demand is expected to grow, especially among companies that place high priority on governance and compliance. Going forward, the Tokyo Century Group will focus on providing IT lifecycle management services that combine financial services such as leasing with ITAD services. It will also strive to become the best quality provider of ITAD services in the Japanese market.

Operating Segments

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