Career Summary

Miho Tanaka has served in positions at Asahi Koma Law Offices (currently Nishimura & Asahi) and TMI Associates before taking up her current position as a partner at Shiba Management Legal Office (currently Shiba & Tanaka Law Offices). She became an external director at Tokyo Century in June 2021.

Ms.Tanaka has abundant experience and extensive knowledge as an attorney-at-law, particularly in corporate legal affairs and M&A activities, and she applies her deep insight to monitor operational execution from an independent perspective.

  • *"Outside Director" as stipulated by Article 2-15 of the Companies Act of Japan
  • *Designated independent director or auditor as stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange
October 2004 Registered as attorney-at-law with the Daini Tokyo Bar Association,
Joined Asahi Koma Law Offices (currently Nishimura & Asahi)
February 2007 Joined TMI Associates
July 2015 Partner of Shiba Management Legal Office (currently Shiba & Tanaka Law Offices) (to present)
June 2021 External Director of the Company (to present)

Areas of Expertise and Expected Contributions

Finance / Risk Management, Legal Affairs / Accounting / Taxation, Sustainability

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