Career Summary

Akio Nakamura has served in positions including director-general of the Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau, National Tax Agency, and director-general of the Financial Bureau, Ministry of Finance. After he served for two years as an external director of Tokyo Century from June 2015, he was reappointed as an external director in June 2018. He was appointed as director, representative executive officer, president and CEO of Japan Securities Depository Center, Incorporated, in June 2019 and then to the position of chairperson of the Compensation Committee of Tokyo Century in June 2024, both positions he currently holds.

Mr. Nakamura possesses extensive knowledge in areas such as financial policy and tax affairs and has experience and a track record in corporate management while offering management advice and providing proper oversight of operational execution for sustainably enhancing the corporate value of Tokyo Century.

  • *"Outside Director" as stipulated by Article 2-15 of the Companies Act of Japan
  • *Designated independent director or auditor as stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange
April 1978 Joined Ministry of Finance
July 2005 Director-General, Fukuoka Regional Taxation Bureau of National Tax Agency
July 2006 Deputy Director-General, Financial Bureau of Ministry of Finance
July 2007 Senior Deputy Director-General, Financial Bureau of Ministry of Finance
July 2009 Director-General, Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau of National Tax Agency
July 2010 Director-General, Financial Bureau of Ministry of Finance (retired in August 2011)
October 2011 Chairman of Sompo Japan Research Institute Inc. (currently Sompo Institute Plus Inc.)
(retired June 2016)
March 2013 Registered as attorney-at-law, joined Tanabe & Partners (to present)
June 2015 External Director of the Company (retired in June 2017)
June 2016 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of NTT DATA Corporation (retired in June 2018)
June 2018 External Director of the Company (to present)
June 2019 Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO of Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. (to present)

Areas of Expertise and Expected Contributions

Corporate Management, Finance / Risk Management, Legal Affairs / Accounting / Taxation

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